
Number of Adults should include all occupants 18 years of age and older. All guests registering must be 18 years of age and must present photo identification upon check-in. Children 12 years of age and under are free when occupying the same room with an adult family member. Generally, one or two persons may occupy a room with one bed. No more than four persons may occupy a room with two beds.

Check-in and Check-out Dates

You may book up to three years in advance, based on availability. Maximum number of days that you may book online is 28. A photo id is must at the time of check-in. Payment for your accommodations required at check-in with accepted credit card or cash. For third party credit card payments, please have authorization form signed by them and bring it with you or fax: 315-343-6234.

Check-in Time

Normally check-in time is at 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm but can be accommodated for early or late arrival with advance notice.

Check-out Time

10:00 am – 11:00 am. Late check-out must be approved and arranged with front desk personnel prior to check-out time.

Room Types and Beds

The maximum number of persons allowed in a room with one queen, or double bed is 2. The maximum number of persons allowed in a room with two double beds is 4. An infant/child may be added to the total number of persons.

Children Traveling with Parents and Occupying the Same Room

Children 12 and under stay free when occupying the same room with an adult family member. guest is not allowed to bring in the Sleeping bags, cots, or furniture of any kind to the rooms.

Room Payment / Advance Payment

Payment may be made with cash, traveler’s check or with credit card (Carte Blanche, Diners Club, Discover, MasterCard or VISA). No other method of payment is accepted.

Room charges are paid in advance at registration or by 10:00am 11:00 am in advance of each subsequent night’s stay.

Advance payments may be made with cash, credit card, or traveler’s check. Arrangements for 3rd Party Credit Card billing must be made by acquiring a credit card authorization form from Oswego Inn directly at least 3 days prior to arrival.

Discounted Rates

Seniors rates (AARP), corporate rates or other discounted rates with or without coupon numbers are not valid with other special rates or discounts and may not be available during special events.


Sorry, no pets are allowed at Oswego Inn. Service animals with documentation are allowed.

Individual Reservations – Guarantee & Cancel Policies

Reservations can be made for Oswego Inn by calling our Reservations Center at 315-342-6200 or by email nyoswegoinn@gmail.com or using the booking button on the web site.

Room reservation guaranteed with your credit card, your reservation will be held all night for your arrival.

Reservation made through travel agency/agent will not cancel your reservation by contacting the hotel. Contact the travel agency/agent to cancel your reservation

Reservation canceled less than 72 hours to arrival will incur charges greatest amount of : 25% of full length of stay OR One night stay

No Shows will be charged greatest amount of: 50% of full length of stay OR One night stay

There are no refunds for early check outs

Please note that times and dates to cancel without penalty may vary on Special Events, Holidays and/or Weekends. Contact the Oswego Inn for cancellation policies which may affect your reservation.

If you have a comment about a previous stay at Oswego Inn, please call 315-342-6200, or write to: 180 East 10th St, Oswego, NY 13126

Special Requests

Oswego Inn will make every effort to honor special requests (such as first floor, cot, away from road etc.) when you make your reservation. However, the availability of these items cannot be guaranteed in advance. Oswego Inn does offer limited accommodation for the disabled.

Group Reservations

Call 315-342-6200 or Email: nyoswegoinn@gmail.com

Group reservations (six or more rooms) require credit card guarantees or may require an advance payment deposit of the total charges for the first night’s lodging. This deposit must be made at least 30 days before the arrival date. Deposit may be made by check.
Notification of cancellation will vary between 14 – 30 days prior to arrival date.

Accessible Rooms

There is only one Accessible room at Oswego Inn, please make your reservations as early as you can.

International Reservations

When calling from outside the USA and Canada: Telephone: 315–342-6200 or Email: nyoswegoinn@gmail.com your reservation request.